FREE Course!
Pre-Algebra Refresher
The first unit of the Algebra 1 curriculum is completely FREE!
Review all of the Pre-Algebra skills necessary for Algebra 1 and get a feel for whether this Algebra program will work for you.
Review all of the Pre-Algebra skills necessary for Algebra 1 and get a feel for whether this Algebra program will work for you.
You'll soon realize that you can solve Algebra problems just like these students!
What you are going to learn
Understand the basics of Algebra
Throughout this unit you will:
- understand and use all integer rules.
- translate and evaluate algebraic expressions.
- use the order of operations to evaluate expressions.
- identify and combine like terms to simplify expressions.
- utilize the distributive property to simplify expressions.
- use formulas to solve real world problems.
Course contents
Your Instructor:
Karin Hutchinson
Karin Hutchinson is the sole creator and teacher of these Algebra courses. She is a former elementary and middle school teacher who now teaches online in order to be able to raise her own children. Karin has a Bachelor Degree from Towson University in Baltimore, MD and a Masters Degree in Education from Johns Hopkins University.
Course reviews
FREE Course!
Pre-Algebra Refresher
The first unit of the Algebra 1 curriculum is completely FREE!
Review all of the Pre-Algebra skills necessary for Algebra 1 and get a feel for whether this Algebra program will work for you.
Review all of the Pre-Algebra skills necessary for Algebra 1 and get a feel for whether this Algebra program will work for you.
You'll soon realize that you can solve Algebra problems just like these students!